Saturday 30 January 2010

New Snow

Village is looking very nice with it's new covering of snow but the paths hae not yet been gritted and it doesn't look as if The Street has either.  I know the gritter has been along Old Road as it was spotted by one of our Postmen on his walk in this morning.

If you have to come out then take care!

Saturday 16 January 2010

A Dismal saturday Morning

It is a dismal looking day outside with the promise of rain on the way and for much of the day too.

Just a reminder that we are open until 12:30 on Saturdays but the mail is collected from us at 10:45. If you miss our collection then Blofield PO is collected at 12:30 if you are desperate to get an item of mail away on a saturday.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Remember the Birds

When you are putting food out for the birds please remember that they need access to drinking water as well.

Saturday 9 January 2010

A quiet saturday

It's just gone 09:00 and having cleared a path in the 3 inches of snow leading to the door we have an unusual flurry of customer activity so people are getting out.

None of the pavements on The Street have been gritted but the hard packed snow is not too bad to walk on if you take care.  As I write there is beautiful sunshine but the vicious and cold Easterly wind is heading a lot of dark cloud in our direction. 

It will feel like about -6 C in the wind so you don't need me to tell you to be well wraooed up before you come out.

All the postmen are out delivering but they have problems getting vans safely in and out of some places so please be patient; they are doing their best in nasty conditions.

Friday 8 January 2010

Friday 8th of Jan more snowfall

It is 08:45 and the snow is falling quite hard in the village and the outside temperature is -0.2 C which is a shade under 32 F. The Street is still covered in snow as are the pavements.  No sign of gritting activity so probably a day for staying at home unless you really must get out.

The photograph was taken this morning and looks from the PO across towards Acle Interiors and the church.

Thursday 7 January 2010

Plenty of Bird Feed

We have plenty of Wild Bird Food in stock including Sunflower Hearts, Peanuts, Black Sunflower and Nijer Seed.

Still Open despite the Snow

We seem to have been relatively lucky compared to other parts of the country but snow and ice is affecting the village. The main road through remains gritted and passable but many of the side roads are still treacherous.  Thankfully the pavements in The Street have been gritted so it is possible to get about with care.  With schools closed some of our staff have problems getting in but even our girls who live in Freethorpe or Halvergate have been getting in and even if nobody makes it in with Brenda and I living here we ARE OPEN.  The only thing that will halt Post Office operations is a power cut or loss of our link to the systems that support banking transactions.


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