Tuesday 3 July 2012

Olympic Torch

We are looking forward to the arrival of the olympic torch on Thursday morning.  We will be opening at about 7:45 for those of you that might want to access our services early :)

Friday 7 January 2011

VAT Changes

We decided that we would not increase the prices on everything that was effected by the recent rise in the VAT rate so many of our prices remain unchanged. However, it still took us almost three days to go through the stock, counting and making changes on the till where necessary and changeing prices on the stock! We still have a few items left to deal with so until the end of the month just a few items will be showing the wrong price but this will be corrected at the till. H.M Revenue and Customs allow us about a month to make changes to prices on items on display so we have a little time left to get finished.

Sunday 19 December 2010

New Extended Opening Times

We have started a three month trial of extended opening times. Until the end of February 2011 we will open at the earlier time of 0800, not close for lunch and remain open until our normal closing time of 1730.

If these new times prove sucessful then we will probably adopt them as our permanent opening hours.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Feed Price Increases

Unfortunately, and after more than two years, we have been notified by our animal feed stockist that price increases will start across much of their range from next week, that's the week beginning 25th October.

As soon as we know how this will affect our pricing we will let you know.

Sunday 10 October 2010

James Wellbeloved Dog Food: Special Pricing

We are currently selling JWB Puppy, Junior, Adult and Senior/Light flavours at these GREAT prices.

£6-25 for 2kg bags

£38-00 for 15kg bags


Yes, and it's still only October but unfortunately the action of the supermarkets in stocking Christmas goods earlier and earlier in the year is forcing us to do the same :( 

This weekend Brenda and I have been trying to squeeze the same great range of cards, wrapping paper and gift tags etc. into less space than we used last year!  I'm pleased to say that we have managed it though we still have some more stock to sort out and our christmas chocolate has not yet arrived; but we are getting there!

Boxed Christmas cards are at our usual brilliant prices and we are offering boxes of cards, price marked at £2-99, for only £1-35 a box or two boxes for £2-50

This year we also have some beautiful Charity Cards and proceeds from these go to support the work of 'Children's Hospices UK' and 'The Institute for Cancer Research'

Watch this space for more news on great pricing before Christmas.

Sunday 28 March 2010

Bird Seed Sale

A little late but all through March we have a sale on Bird Feed.

10% off all 2kg bags of Bird seeds

Saturday 30 January 2010

New Snow

Village is looking very nice with it's new covering of snow but the paths hae not yet been gritted and it doesn't look as if The Street has either.  I know the gritter has been along Old Road as it was spotted by one of our Postmen on his walk in this morning.

If you have to come out then take care!